Monday, January 25, 2010

How Christians will retaliate

A post i want to share, from malaysiakini
by: Edwin John

Yes, the Christians are retaliating.
The Sunday after the attacks, they gathered in churches all across the country, as they do every week.

Not to plot but to pray. Not to make fire-bombs but to offer forgiveness.

If you had thought that Christians were going to take to the streets shouting slogans and bearing banners, you would have thought wrong. If the perpetrators had hoped for bloodshed, they would have been sadly disappointed.

If you could take a peek into any church, you will find that those gathered in there are not scheming to drag a bloody pig head towards the nearest mosque.

Neither are they conspiring to find ways to confuse followers of other religions, even if those people have a weak faith so as to be so easily led away.

In fact, I know of one church pastor who told his congregation that Sunday morning, that he wanted to stand alongside a Muslim community to help erect a mosque.

Instead of fighting fire with fire, they fight back by freely forgiving. Instead of seeking revenge, they respond in love by praying for their attackers.

What kind of people are these anyway?

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