Friday, August 21, 2009

Facts in Secondary Science text book proven wrong

If I'm not mistaken, during form 2 i was told that the difference between animal and human is that we have feelings, that we, unlike animals, feel HAPPY, SHOCK, GRATEFUL, DESPAIR, ANGRY, SAD and even LOVE.

These prove to be untrue with facts like Apes actually laugh within their group just like humans, cats are stressful when abandon, and GERMAN SHEPHERD actually can merajuk....this is shocking even for me.

Look at how obedient she is when she not moody

And now after kena rotan, (cos donno why she suddenly go berak at the hall carpet....This is damn rare, she hardly ever do
that before) she don wanna listen dy, really like small girl merajuk

Animals have feelings, i cant imagine how ppl got the guts to do this, animal cruelty

Plain idiotic

Looks cute without the blood


This cat kesian, they burn it alive, and take video, worst is they justify their action by saying it will die anyway, giler retarded.

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